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Welcome to

Your life and empowerment coach

Do you no longer recognise yourself in the mirror?

What would your life would be like if you could figure out what you wanted and know how to make changes that make you more fulfilled and confident?  Dawn can help you to get back in touch with who you.


Ways we can work together...

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Life Coaching Packages

4 to 8 week packages to help you clarify and construct the meaningful life you deserve.

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The Empowered Real Woman
FB group for women

Not ready to commit to coaching, unsure if it's for you then join my amazing community in this women only closed group for insights and wisdom 

One-On-One single 
Coaching sessions 

One-on-one hour long coaching sessions with Dawn are available online, or in person.

Often, it's not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be, and already are, but don't know how to be.

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Dawn's Story

"The day I realised it was time to make changes because the life I envisioned couldn't happen if I was to stay on the same path, I knew I wanted more..." 

Three amazing programs



Lost to Fulfilled

Empty nester? I can take you from feeling lost to finding a new way to be fulfilled.

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The Connected Woman

Connect with yourself and embrace who you are NOW. Build on your strengths, know your WAY and be YOU

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Fearless YOU

Fast track yourself with the 4 week package for YOU

Want to chat? Drop me a line


If you have any questions about the options we offer, please send a message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Thanks for your message, I will be in touch!

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