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Innerself Coaching Blog


Stop doubting yourself

Dawn Walton

Self doubt happens to us all - those niggly feelings that you might not be good enough or that you the second guessing thinking 'but what if I'm wrong?'. Self-doubt can happen as a result of critical loved ones, perfectionist tendencies, low self-confidence, past experiences or pessimistic thinking.

The fear that fuels our doubt can drive us to be over cautious and keep us from taking the very actions that would help ourselves and others.

So many women are selling themselves short because they fear they don't have what it takes to succeed.

Many women don't pick up the phone and to have the difficult conversation. Don't ask for what we want. Don't raise our hand for promotion. Don't say 'No' without justifying it.

Use these tips to kick your self doubt to the curb-

Your doubts are not truths - they are thoughts in your mind. I remember a time in my corporate role as a facilities manager where I was managing the refurbishment of bathrooms in an office block and I looked at the wash hand basins and I knew they weren't the ones we had agreed on. I can remember the feeling just like it was yesterday - tightness in my throat and butterflies that if I spoke up and got shot back down I'd be seen as an idiot - and I hesitated. I thought a million thoughts and then just said it... and guess what? I was right and they knew it. They knew they ordered a different style and hoped no one noticed!

Ask yourself “What if just the opposite were true?” What if, in fact, you were more than prepared for a bigger role? If you had everything it takes to build that business? If what you had to say was extremely important and someone hadn't heard it before and it helped change things for the better? If you were more than talented/worthy/clever/(fill-in-the-blank) enough to pursue this goal?

Dilute the power of the inner critic - you know the one that say's you are not good enough! Shake it off, clap and change your state so that the inner critic doesn't take hold.

Know your ‘Why’ ... don't let self doubt be in the drivers seat of your life. Why are you who you are? Why do you want to do what you want to do? What is your WHY? Spend time finding out this will keep you focused and help you make decisions that lead to your ultimate goal/aim.

Take action - messy or perfect just take action. Not taking action just keeps the doubt hanging around. Do something... action is very powerful. Doubting yourself isn't backing yourself. Make November the month where you speak up and back yourself.

I'm here to help if you need an accountability partner...

Dawn x

Dawn Walton is a coach to women who have lost sight of who they are. Dawn helps women re-ignite their identity through building confidence, setting boundaries and honouring commitment & connection to themselves so that they can achieve purpose, reach their potential and bring zest back into their lives.

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